Before trying out a new form of advertising it’s good to do some research. Asking yourself some important questions will help you decide whether its worth a shot or not –
Is this method working for other businesses?
Is there proof that it works?
Have I ever noticed or been influenced by the advertising method myself? What are my objectives?
According to the Economist Magazine, last year ‘All forms of conventional advertising, apart from outdoor, shrank.’ Outdoor advertising continues to prove itself as a top advertising platform for businesses. There has been a lot of reserach around the usefulness and value for money around billboard advertising that will aid in making your decision.
Billboard advertising stats:
- Billboards develop trust! Billboards have a 55% level of trust compared to only 44% for search engine adverts which drops to 33% for banner Adverts.
- Nearly 26% of customers have visited a website after seeing a billboard advert.
- Outdoor advertising can be up to 80% less expensive than television advertising, 60% less than newspaper advertising and up to 50% less expensive than radio.
- Billboard advertising is much cheaper than Newspaper advertising in comparison. A half page advert for one day in a leading paper is anywhere from £1,500 – £43,500.
- 56% of customers will talk about funny & eye-catching adverts they have seen raising customer numbers by word of mouth.
- 98% of people see a billboard advert each week. Billboard adverts show continuing signs of going from strength to strength.
- Billboard messages can reach all demographics from Commuters, students, families, to Young Adults and the elderly.
- 81% of adults said they noticed outdoor advertising when they were out and about, with 77% saying that posters gave them something to look at.
Studies by:
Arbitron INC 2013
Arbitron National In-Car Study, 2009
OOH industry body Outsmart
Interested in carrying out a billboard campaign? For more information on prime outdoor advertising billboards, contact us on 0207 112 8624 or email