To successfully run a business, it’s always advisable to keep up to date with the latest trends and current events. There is a lot happening around the world that could inspire a good marketing campaign. Let’s take the COVID pandemic for example. Although it drove the UK (and the world) into multiple lockdowns that brought on various restrictions and temporarily changed our daily way of life, some people chose to look on the bright side of things and make the most of it… and so did some businesses!
The world of advertising, like most industries, was greatly impacted by the changes brought on by the pandemic. In response, many companies had to re-assess their advertising efforts. Often times, marketing budgets were cut, or campaigns were paused or postponed because of their lack of sensitivity to the current state of the world. Other companies were quick on their feet and took the opportunity to create timely, effective marketing campaigns. They created advertisements that were inspired by the pandemic (or topics related to it) and cleverly incorporated elements into their advertisements to help promote their business. In doing so, they kept their business top-of-mind for consumers, continued to build brand awareness, and showed support to their local communities.
There are many outstanding examples of companies who ran successful campaigns, but we’ve selected a handful of the remarkable campaigns created by our own customers.
Prestige Cars Kent – Showing support for key workers:
Their simple yet lovely and unmissable blue billboard sent a message of thanks and support for the NHS staff who cared for many patients and put their lives at risk on a daily basis during the height of the pandemic.
Burnhill Kitchens – Showing support and care for their customers:
Their billboard shows that no matter the restrictions, they are dedicated professionals who are ready to welcome their valued customers to their safe showrooms. Now that’s how you demonstrate putting your customers first!
St. Mary’s Medical Centre – Conveniently there for its customers:
As the restrictions slowly eased over the last few months, St. Mary’s Medical Centre decided to accommodate those who anticipated finally being able to take a holiday trip. This billboard was strategically placed near their centre so that commuters could pop in to get their PCR test done.
At Billboard Media, we also took a stab at making the most of the pandemic in our own marketing campaigns. We encouraged our viewers to continue advertising in order to boost sales during an uncertain time.
Need design advice for your next campaign? Our team of qualified experts is available to help you design an effective billboard advert to help your business grow! Give our team a call at 020 7112 8624 or email us at to get started.