Introducing Dentistry’s Inspirational #EntreprenHERs On International Women’s Day
Ah-ha! Two blogs in one day! Only the best for International Women’s Day. So, you now have three choices:
Option 1: You keep reading this to find out all about why we’ve nominated a pair of Dentists as Billboard Media #EntreprenHERs.
Option 2: You go here to watch an interview with our other #EntreprenHER, who is bucking all kinds of trends in the construction world!
Option 3 (the correct option): You read both blogs and give them your full love and attention.
A quick recap: What is all this #EntreprenHER stuff about?
For a start, we’ve got some incredible women working in our team. One of the core principles underpinning International Women’s Day is that we all need to recognise the incredible impact women have in every workplace. That recognition helps to forge an inclusive environment where a woman’s career can thrive.
But as we mentioned earlier in the week, there’s another reason we are celebrating #IWD24…. RUN THE STATS (massive thank you to The Gender Index and the ONS for these!):
- There are 714,000 active female-led companies in England compared to 2.47m male-led companies.
- Over 75% of UK businesses are owned solely by men.
Keep reading to learn more about why we think Dr Patricia Cambell and Sally Granger are inspirational #EntreprenHERs.
Introducing: Dr Patricia Cambell and Sally Granger – Founders of Ocean Village Dental Clinic
Dr Patricia Cambell and Sally Granger first struck up a friendship back in 2017 whilst working together as dentists. Fast forward a few years and they found themselves amidst the pandemic, feeling disgruntled with the impact it was having on them both and their patients. Patricia and Sally decided to take a leap and set upon establishing their own dental practice to see if they could create a practice that was open, inviting, and caring – a place that was truly patient-centric.
Despite never having prepared a business case before, the pair’s hard graft ensured that they secured financial investment from the bank. They soon found the perfect location for their joint venture: Southampton’s Ocean Village Marina. Ocean Village Dental Clinic now serves over 400 regular patients in Southampton and boasts 67 Google ratings – all five star.
In 2023, the pair behind Ocean Village Dental Clinic chose to advertise on a billboard in Southampton and decided to use images of themselves to help promote the brand. This decision has increased the visibility of women in positions of leadership and is another reason we are recognising them as inspirational #EntreprenHERs!
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